Local elders, parents, Ramingining School, Police & Government Engagement Coordinator (GEC), Alpa/Remote Jobs in Communities Project (RJCP) have been working together to support local RSAS team and families to increase school attendance & encourage residents to “Speak Up” about reporting behaviour or activity that will impact on community safety.
Acting Sergeants Adam Goldsmith Tim Lyness have been meeting community engagement needs by having members work closely with community and RSAS. Aboriginal Community Police Officer (ACPO) Barb McClelland and relieving Constable Bruce Atkinson have been actively supporting the Ramingining school attendance team. Local RJCP RSAS coordinator Ashleigh Meyerson and GEC Anne Enchong have been hitting the streets with the RSAS from 7:30am, doing a great job with families and students. RSAS play a very important role in remote communities and local families increasingly understand and support the team.
Constable Bruce Atkinson, is enjoying his bush relieving in Ramingining. “It’s good to see the whole community getting involved and supporting the Remote School Attendance team, to have better educational outcomes for the youth of Ramingining. Relieving in bush locations is also a great opportunity to learn skills that you may get not in larger centres. It’s a great opportunity to engage first hand with the community, form relationships and gain a much better cultural insight into the workings of remote communities.”
Arafura Community Engagement Police Officer (CEPO), Constable Paul Keightley explained the “Speak Up” program to the RSAS team and several middle school classes this week at Ramingining School. Both RSAS and students found Speak Up to be informative and a great eye opener with regard to reporting offences using ‘000’, ‘131 444’ or speaking to local police and understanding that information provided to police is confidential.
“Speak Up” is a joint Neighbourhood Watch and Police initiative designed to improve remote community safety and communication.