Mr Bernie Durkin has be chosen to lead Neighbourhood Watch Australasia (NHWA), the largest community based crime prevention program of its kind in Australia and New Zealand. Mr Durkin has held the position of Vice President for the past three years, but has now been chosen by members to lead the organisation.
Mr Durkin is currently the Executive Manager of the Community Engagement Division, within Western Australia Police’s Crime Prevention Community Liaison Unit. Mr Durkin was a serving Police Officer for 20 years, before joining the Department of Premier and Cabinet as Executive Manager, Office of Crime Prevention.
Mr Durkin’s exceptional community policing skills, gained as a uniformed officer, coupled with his extensive experience as a crime prevention practitioner, brings a new style of leadership to the organisation – encapsulating crime prevention from both the policing and community perspectives.
As the State Director of Neighbourhood Watch in Western Australia, Mr Durkin is a highly regarded existing member of the Neighbourhood Watch Australasia Board, his interpersonal skills and quiet strength of leadership have gained the support of members, who voted him into the leadership role at the recent AGM held in Tasmania.
Mr Durkin was welcomed into his role by Tasmania Police Commissioner Darren Hine and Tasmania Police Minister Mr Hidding, who were in attendance at the NHWA AGM. Mr Durkin is supported in this volunteer role by Western Australia Police.
Married, with two young adult children, Mr Durkin is a keen cyclist and runner.