The 20th anniversary IMB Bank Community Foundation launch event was held at the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra on Thursday 20 June saw donations given to nine not-for-profit groups across the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and surrounding regions.
As a mutual bank, IMB believe in supporting local community projects that foster inclusion, encourage volunteering and create sustainable outcomes, enabling the communities to thrive.
This years’ recipients included Neighbourhood Watch Australasia funding the translation of 5 Diagrammatic brochures into 5 different languages including Arabic, Hazaragi, Dinka, Mandarin and Burmese on the following topics: Protect Your Home, Protect Your Car, Protect Yourself, Be Safe and Secure, Be a Good Neighbour. These brochures will be created, printed and distributed to Refugee and Humanitarian Settlement, Migrant Support agencies and community stakeholders and partners like the Red Cross and Neighbourhood Watch ACT.
Other recipients include: Canberra PCYC, Cows Create Careers , St John’s Ambulance Australia ACT, Girls on Bikes ACT, My Coaching My Future Inc., Girl Guides Association of NSW, Giralang/Kaleen Men’s Shed and the Canberra Model Railway Club.
Now in its 20th year, the IMB Community Funding (ICF) has donated over $10 million to communities where IMB Bank operates in Sydney, Illawarra, Southern Highlands, South Coast, Victoria and the ACT. In the ACT and surrounding regions, the ICF has supported over 100 projects with $1million of funding since it was established in 1999.
IMB Bank CEO Robert Ryan praised the 2019 recipients and thanked them for their dedication and determination to assist in the communities in which they live. “As we mark 20 years of community funding, it is an honour to reflect on the partnerships we have formed with people and organisations in the community who dedicate their time and effort to creating a better life for others.
IMB Bank is proud to be associated with them and we look forward to another 20 years of supporting community initiatives” said Mr Ryan.
The IMB Bank Community Foundation had a record-breaking number of projects apply for funding in 2019, its 20th year of operation.
“The Foundation committee visits each shortlisted project to assess them and we are always humbled and amazed at the dedication and commitment of community members to help others” said Mr Ryan.
“It is a real pleasure to be able to allocate funds to these organisations announced today, so they can continue to grow and develop their resources” he said.
Neighbourhood Watch ACT (NHW ACT) President Mrs Margaret Pearson said she was delighted to know that the IMB Bank Community Foundation had allocated funds to our organisation. By making this grant available, NHW ACT will have the opportunity to promote safety and security among newcomers to this country and assist them with assimilation into the Australian community.

For more information please contact:
Email: admin@nhwa.com.au
Mobile: 0428 377 901
Address: PO Box 64, Spring Hill, Brisbane QLD 4004, Australia.