Neighbourhood Watch Australasia is the largest single organised crime prevention activity in Australia. Neighbourhood Watch Australasia is a not for profit community based organisation currently funded by the Federal Government and working across all member police and state NHW jurisdictions in Australia and New Zealand.
Neighbourhood Watch and it’s well recognised four faces logo, is a trusted and respected brand that represents 30 years of community and police partnerships in promoting community safety and crime prevention in Australia. Neighbourhood Watch groups have evolved in recent years to meet the emerging trends within the community and ensuring it embraces new technology.NHW, like other major organisations, has adapted to social media as a strong means of communicating with individuals and collective communities.
NHW blogs, face book pages, eye watch and twitter accounts can be found Australia wide.Membership of an authentic NHW group affords community members the assurance that their personal information is safe and not shared with any other organisations. The information and communication methods provided by NHW to its members and the community at large are from reliable and truste d sources. The information relating to crime statistics and incidents of crime are factual and up to the minute.
Membership of a Neighbourhood Watch group is free and will always be free. Membership of a Neighbourhood Watch social media network is also free and will always be free. If you are being approached to join a neighbourhood social network, Neighbourhood Watch Australasia encourages all community members to seek confirmation about the safety of their personal information now and in the future.
Neighbourhood Watch Australasia also encourages community members to feel satisfied that the organisation requesting their membership is valid and that they can trust the information to be shared will be factually correct and monitored daily.
Neighbourhood Watch Australasia does not use telemarketing to attract membership to NHW social networks.