Our Green Machine has done it! President of Neighbourhood Watch Australasia, Mr Bernie Durkin has finally completed his five-week long solo journey from Scarborough Beach, Perth to Bondi Beach, Sydney on his bicycle. After 252 hours of riding behind him and a triumphant visit to Parliament House in Canberra, Bernie has pushed hard to get over the final hurdle of the Great Dividing Range. So it was all smooth sailing (or rolling) downhill to sea level, where he was welcomed into Sydney.
The notion of connecting communities across Australia is what drove Bernie on his endeavours to cycle across our great sunburnt country. From Perth to Sydney and everywhere in between. Bernie was supported every pedal of the way by his faithful support crew from Queensland, and his trusty tracker “Wilson”. He was encouraged by locals far and wide who shared his excitement and commitment to fostering connected communities. It has certainly been an epic trip, one Bernie and his followers will not be forgetting anytime soon.
Old friends including Bernie’s best mate, Ron Coleman, his mother Moira Durkin and extended family members, NSWPF Crime Prevention Team, Neighbourhood Watch Australasia’s Ingrid Stonhill, and many more members of the community welcomed Bernie to Bondi Beach as he crossed the final finish line. New South Wales Police and New South Wales Neighbourhood Watch were thrilled to see Bernie and show their support for Ride To Connect. Although he was looking leaner than ever (Bernie lost 8 kilograms during his intensive cardio sessions cross-country), Bernie’s spirit was stronger than ever as he jumped off his bike for the last time at Bondi Beach.
One man. One bike. Riding solo. A total of 4,025 kilometres, that’s 126 kilometres per day. A total of 252 hours, that’s 8 hours per day. A total of 39 days with 32 ride days over 5 weeks. Connecting neighbours and communities. Congratulations Bernie and thank you to all those who supported Bernie over the last five weeks.
Follow along with Bernie and his continued efforts via the NHWA Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter – share stories with #journeywithbernie #ridetoconnect2017 #nhwkeepingyousafe
Before and After…