Home » Resources » Digital Mentor Training

Neighbourhood Watch Australasia is not currently taking enrolments for the Digital Mentor training program.


Would you like to be able to train older Australians how to use the internet and everyday technology?

Digital Mentors will be trained and fully equipped to go out into the community to train our older Australians.

  • All training, resources and support will be provided free of charge
  • A great opportunity for all Neighbourhood Watch members!
  • Regular training courses to be held

Older Australians with low internet skills can often feel isolated from their community and family at a time in their lives when feeling connected is increasingly important. The program will help older Australians to realise the value of being connected online and provide access to appropriate training and support in a safe and familiar environment.

Be Connected is a free Australian Government initiative aimed at increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians when they use the internet and everyday technology. Older Australians will be able to learn the basics of going online, including:

  • Being safe while online
  • Talking to or seeing family and friends who live far away, more often
  • Finding new friends or old friends who share similar interests and hobbies
  • Keeping up-to-date with what’s happening in their community and around the world
  • Shopping online, safely and securely, without leaving home

If you are interested in attending a one day training course to become a Digital Mentor, please contact NHWA office to register your interest.

Are you looking for help to develop your digital skills?
Simply call NHWA on 0408 377 901 or email admin@nhwa.com.au and we can advise where to access fantastic resources, and help connect you with a Digital Mentor.


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